Manufacturing Academy of Denmark

MADE – Manufacturing Academy of Denmark is a union of companies, universities, GTS institutes and educational institutions. The vision is world-class production in Denmark.

Denmark must remain a competitive production country in the future. In collaboration between companies and researchers, MADE utilizes and extends the strengths that Denmark is known for worldwide. Danchell is a member of MADE and participates in the MADE DIGITAL WP8 together with Danfoss, Lego and Vestas.

A demo project has been defined and initiated, in which Danchell, together with professors from the Danish Technological Institute and the University of Southern Denmark, challenges manual processes in relation to the latest knowledge and skills in automation, digitization and vision. We challenge the degree of automation – also where it usually does not pay, with special focus on automation of smaller series.

Video: MADE Industri 4.0 – Video by Danchell’s production.
